Palm Reader


Palm Reader is divided into several rounds, and in each round the active player draws a card and randomly chooses one of five symbols on it. This player then draws that symbol on the palm of the person sitting to their left, while that person has their eyes closed. Go around the circle of players, receiving and tracing on palms (like Telephone). After the final player has received the tracing, reveal the card, then have all players vote on what they believe the starting symbol was. You receive as many victory points as the number of players in a row who successfully guess the symbol.

1392 in stock

Designer(s): Jonathan Bittner & Andrew Cedotal
Artist(s): Gyom
Age: 6+
Player(s): 4-10
Duration: 15'
Mechanism(s): Tactile recognition, party game, cooperation
Release date: November 2019

Palm Reader is divided into several rounds, and in each round the active player draws a card and randomly chooses one of five symbols on it. This player then draws that symbol on the palm of the person sitting to their left, while that person has their eyes closed. Go around the circle of players, receiving and tracing on palms (like Telephone). After the final player has received the tracing, reveal the card, then have all players vote on what they believe the starting symbol was. You receive as many victory points as the number of players in a row who successfully guess the symbol.

Additional information

Weight 0,52 kg
Dimensions 12,7 × 17,7 × 5,5 cm

Multilingual EN+FR+NL+DE



  • 108 double-sided cards.
  • 1 die.
  • 1 Rollbox (box to fold, to keep die results secret).
  • 1 scorepad.
  • 1 rulebook.


  • Austria: Pegasus
  • Belgium: Geronimo
  • France: Atalia
  • Germany: Pegasus
  • Luxemburg: Geronimo
  • The Netherlands: Geronimo