Open Season


Open Season is a tableau-building game that is both very simple… and very complex. Simple because, on your turn, you just choose two cards, place one on your tableau, and the other in your stock. That’s it.

Complex because you only have 11 turns to optimize your choices. Which bonus to choose? Which to sacrifice? Decisions are tough, and keeping an eye on your opponents’ boards is always a good idea.

Open Season requires several games to fully grasp, with a real learning curve. And once you “think” you’ve mastered it, flip the boards for a new challenge. Have I mentioned the 14 bonus tiles for added spice? Replayability, indeed!—download the rules below!

Designer(s): Amélie Assié & Romain Lisciandro
Artist: Djib
Age: 10+
Players: 2-4
Duration: 15'/player
Mechanism(s): Collection, Cards, Chaining
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Open Season - The rules (EN)

Open Season - The rules (EN)

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Open Season - The rules (EN)
Open Season - Les règles
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